Sunday, March 23, 2014

Day Ten: Barham to Lake Boga 67 kms

Always plotting!
Late start again as not so far to go today. Heading to Lake Bogan (name change because Jacquei will be there), so they will ride together most of the way. Jen was the ride leader today and took her role very seriously. She did a good job and may get this position again (not like Carmen who started to head back to Melbourne when she had the responsibility- think this may have been on purpose).
Stopped at the Lodden River for morning tea. I couldn't believe it- I bought a sponge cake with jam and cream for morning tea and only 4 people had any (last time I do that). Gave the out of towners a lesson on what the holes in the mud were caused by- snakes weren't believed, fish was the second choice and finally we said big, black spiders. I don't think they believed any of it. Oh well, they will soon find out- won't they Annie.
We were into camp by lunchtime with a tailwind for the majority of the day but some tough stretches as well. Nice camp area on Lake Boga.
It's Monday night and you wouldn't believe it but the local hotel (the only place to eat) does not serve meals on a Monday night.
Collis went down and had a little word in their ear, and we ended up with hamburgers made with steak & eggs for $10.00 a head. That was 2 hamburgers each.
The bogans really went to town tonight.
Beautiful sunset when we got back to camp and the colours over the lake were superb. We really are a lucky country.

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