Saturday, March 29, 2014

Day Sixteen: Werrimull to Renmark SA. 100 kms

A few grumpy faces this morning. Not sure why this is so but probably to do with the one early rise on the trip. It has been such a relaxed trip so far but there was talk and predictions of heat and head winds so everyone wanted to get on the road early. My weather guru had said little to no winds but this was ignored- as usual I was correct, I think I need to pass on the app I use. Most of us had a lovely evening last night and should have had a good sleep but not everyone.
Robbo was the first up as usual and I was greeted by him at the tea making table at 6.15 am on my way to the bathroom. He was then complaining of nowhere to sit and eat his breakfast because it was dark- Robbo it is dark every morning if you get up before sunrise and you have never complained before, why was this morning any different. I went around reminding everyone they had to finish off all their fruit and vegies this morning before we get to the border. Got snapped at rudely by Mark when I reminded him of his cantelope- I was taken back by the tone but didn't say anything (until later after stewing on it all day). We had a beautiful bag of roma tomatoes which we have to use up for morning tea and probably lunch. Jacquei had a lovely bag of organic carrots which she decided to donate to the pub. Carmen had a bag of fruit which I will cut up at morning tea as well.

The wind did not pick up and it was perfect riding conditions this morning. The group stopped at the pioneer village on the way to Renmark, $2 entry and well worth the effort- "very interesting"said Carmen. Morning tea and lunch were both on the side of the road and the flies were horrendous. Ants were numerous, march flies were biting and the little pesky flies were in their thousands. I ended up in the car as I couldn't tolerate them for long. I used a t-towel and put tissues in my ears but still got attacked. I made tomato sandwiches and tomato wedges with lots of salt for morning tea.
We were in at camp by 2.30 pm and all pretty hot by this time. The Stuart Hwy wasn't as bad for traffic today so the riders weren't shook up like they were the other day. The caravan park is very green and we have been put near the river down the back away from all the families- very peaceful.
Collis has realised he has made a mistake with his mileage in a couple of days so we will have to rejig the accommodation etc tomorrow. I snapped at Mark but we made up and I will have to learn to talk things out with him at the time rather than stewing on it all day.

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